The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant: Principles for Successful Livingby Terry Felber. Terry beautifully writes a legend of one man’s journey, Antonio of how to live a life honoring God in his vocation either as a minister or a businessman. Antonio grew up in a monastery training to be a monk until one day he discovered that his vocation is to be a merchant. Along the way, Alessio a wealthy Christian merchant discipled Antonio. Soon, Antonio discovered his passion was business and eventually took up this vocation. Over the years, Alessio would mentor Antonio instructing him on principles for successful living that Alessio discovered. Antonio discovers the power of partnership between the priests and kings. These principles for successful living are:

  • Work hard and God will prosper you,
  • Financial prosperity is connected to soul prosperity,
  • A man must do whatever he can to provide for his family,
  • Trials develop your character, preparing you for increased blessings,
  • Take responsiblity for problems that are the result of your own bad decisions. Don’t displace the blame,
  • See challenges as stepping stones, not as obstacles,
  • Be meek before God, but bold before men,
  • Loaning money destroys relationships,
  • Live debt-free and below your means,
  • Always keep to your budget,
  • Set aside the first 10% to honor God, and
  • Understand the power of partnership.

A few thoughts on The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant

As I was reading this book, I felt the prodding of the Spirit enabling me to trust more fully on my Army path. There was a time when I desired to work in a church-setting. But for various reasons, we didn’t fit. But, in the Army, I discovered myself in serving Soldiers, our Battalion, the Chaplain Corp, the Army and our country. And so, I envision another possibility–that God gave me, for now, a gift of vocation as an Army Chaplain.  There were a few principles that convicted me. But principle #3 struck a chord,  A man must do whatever he can to provide for his family. Ouch! Several years ago, I either squandered money, talents, gifts for self-gratification or just plain laziness not giving much thought of a future family. So much went to waste, for convenience.  And so, in my distant past, I missed that boat of having family. Anyhow at some point, thankfully, I decided to take control of my finance acting responsibly for God’s gifts to bless others. Last year, Debt free! This year, investing 15% of income. Now, saving for house and developing a plan to own a small-business one day.

And so, consider acting financially responsibly today so you may bless your family and others around you…

be blessed, jdS.

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