My Residence @820

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The back story of my residence @820 is back in September 2010 I was laying in bed exhausted. The 57th Religious Support Team has been working 50-hours weekly from June to August 2010 creating a robust Command Master Religious Plan for FY2011, procuring resources for Strong Bonds retreats, preparing training curriculum for one year’s teaching of Singles’, Couples’ and Families’ Strong Bonds retreats, Chapel services, counseling Soldiers/Families, monthly Strong Bonds retreats and making relational connections with Installation, Division, Brigade Chaplains (and my Denomination leadership) to envision a plan of remodeling the 13th Chapel into the Soldier Minsitry Center (with espresso bar, game room, internet, Spiritual Fitness library, etc.). And to top it off, I wanted to find another residence to live.

And so, I was totally exhausted one night. And I really felt bad that this single Commissioned officer was living in a 3-bedroom house on Ft. Hood post. You may ask, “What would a single person need a 3-bedroom house for?” I don’t know but that is policy that on-post housing is based on rank. Well, I didn’t need this huge house and I thought, “Other Soldiers with Families sure could use this house?” Besides, “Have you ever cleaned a 3-bedroom house?” It is exhausting to just think about! <sigh> So, anyway, starting in August for six weeks, I tried to find a 1-bedroom apartment. But, I could never find a decent apartment!

Well, like I said, I was laying on my bed exhausted. And I fell asleep only to be awaken by my snoring (embarrassing, I know).  And when I awoke, I prayed, “God would you please just take care of this finding an apartment kind of thing. Because You know I am too darn busy. And quite honestly, I’m tired of looking for the darn apartment!” And then I slept for 10-hours straight. And you know what? The very next morning, I got up and amusingly looked on craiglist and found 820. I made a call and went to the place to inspect it and as soon as I walked in, I said, “I’ll take it.” I drove away laughing and shaking my head and said, “Well, God, I should of ask you in the first place, huh?”

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