trek 1.2

Should a Christian exercise? Is exercise something Christians should be focused on?

Yesterday, I cycled beyond the 100-mile barrier(for this week) on my new Trek 1.2 listening to some Christian dance tunes. As I was cycling and enjoying the view of Stillhouse Hollow Lake, I contemplated on the techniques of cycling (keeping your legs inward, using the full length of your leg extension,  shifting through the gears properly, etc.) and maintaining these techniques as I ride. And boy, let me tell you, it is no easy task.


Now, a few may ask, what is the value of physical exercise? After all, aren’t there more eternal activities that the Faithful should participate in (like evangelism, preaching, studying and praying the Sacred story, serving the poor, etc.)? Are these spiritual activities more lasting? Yes and no. Yes, it is important to focus on eternal things. Paul encourages Timothy that “physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4.8). And so, one shouldn’t forget the importance of spiritual growth and maturity. And yet, there are valid reasons to attend to our physical bodies.

One reason among many is to increase physical energy for spiritual service. Paul admonishes the Corinth faith community that we are to take good care of our bodies (in 1 Corinthians 6.19-20). And as I was cycling, these verses came to mind. While meditating and praying, I came to the realization that the goal of exercising, for me, is to improve my physical health so I may possess more physical energy that I can devote to spiritual service as an Army Chaplain. Doing physical activities may increase one’s energy to do more spiritual service.

And in the end, may we all say to Christ one day, “[we] have fought the good fight, [we] have finished the race, [we] have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4.7).

JOIN oikos Cornelius to follow Chaplain Sims military ministry.

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