
Have you ever set goals for yourself and seem to fall short in achieving them? Are you the type of person that has small goals and tasted the fruit of one or two goals accomplished? Or perhaps you, like me, from time to time write down goals that seem absurd–like Habakkuk who wrote impossible goals down on a stone tablet– or where it seemingly is humanly impossible to achieve your goals. And yet, how many of us keep those list of goals and in our due diligence expect God to bring it to pass? <pause> I confess, I don’t often.

Then the LORD replied, “Write don the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”–Habakkuk the prophet (2.2-3).

Last few weeks, I had the privilege of attending the Master’s Resiliency Trainer course (based on the Complete Soldier Fitness program). One class was on goal setting and our talk was on the strength to plan, execute and persevere through challenges. And so each student had to do a Practical Exercise: to list goals that I may have for myself. These goals could be personal, professional, long-term, short-term, easy to achieve, or time-intensive. And so, here are my goals accumulated over the years:

  • Master’s of Marriage/Family Therapy,
  • Master’s of Business Administration with emphasis in Non-Profit,
  • D.Min. in Pentecostal Leadership,
  • Spiritual Director,
  • Colonel in the Army Chaplaincy to influence one major change or policy,
  • 1-unit of Clinical Pastoral Education,
  • Roaster of Fair Trade coffee beans developing five different roasts,
  • Prayer/Spiritual Fitness Retreat center to inspire next generation of Faith leaders,
  • cycling in a race of 50+miles and complete with good time,
  • increase Army Physical Fitness Test score to 270 out of 300,
  • complete a triathlon,
  • continue to eat healthier (more fruit & vegetables less meat),
  • weigh 185lbs,
  • Build wealth through investing (20% of income),
  • Build wealth through real estate investment (20% of income),
  • Own a Small Business: Coffeehouse with organic menu (grown in community garden)–a place where enemies become strangers–strangers become friends–friends become family,
  • Start a Non-Profit Organization to serve the poor, and
  • Plant/Cultivate House Churches.

And so, here are my absurd goals! What are your goals? Have you developed your list of goals that reach to the heights of absurdity? Here is the thing, whatever your goal (including mine) is…dream the absurd. In writing your goals, think big because God has way more for you than anyone can ever imagine in our physical capacity. Whenever we set goals, trust God to deliver. And so, I leave you with this quote:

“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.”–David Ogilvy, the Father of Advertising.

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