another blog

For quite some time, I have been brewing over the idea on whether to begin another blog about my personal faith journey. is really for my Army Chaplaincy ministry. And I wanted to create another blog space so I can separate the Army Chaplaincy ministry and my own personal blog. For those of you that enjoy discovering what Army Chaplains do, have no fear, we will continue posting and the page will be under the tab, “Chapel.”.


Why another blog you may ask? Well, there are several reasons. The first already mention is to separate the professional and personal lives. (Namely, I do have a life outside of the Army Chaplaincy. And, there will be a chapter after the Army). The second is to fulfill an artistic hunger~creating another brand (or imagery). The last is really the heart of‘s purpose, and that is, to converse about Java and Spirituality. Over time, the blog categories may grow. But, to give you a taste of the espresso shots coming your way, here are a few categories (in alphabetical order) with their definitions, as needed:

  • Administrative Notes,
  • Bean There (Tune In to Bean There episodes of my random travels),
  • Caffeinated Vlog (A video blog, or vlog, is a collection of videos-my own or my favorites-posted on web site),
  • Daily Grind living (~freshly brewed conversation of my faith story),
  • Espresso Talk (~crafted sermon talk or faith discussions),
  • Frothy Gossip (~what is in the news relating to Spirituality…),
  • Holy Roasting (~emergent leadership, servant-leadership, etc. discussions),
  • Mug Shots (…photoblog or flickr sharing…),
  • Podbean (~using podcasting to blogalogue…),
  • Stirring Up Conversations (~book, article, etc. reviews to ask questions to stir conversations),
  • The Javavine (~noted comments, articles, podcasting, etc. of bloggers, speakers, writers, etc. I follow).

And so, the internal countdown ends and another blogalogue begins~where Java & Spirituality are freshly roasted. Get ready for some freshly brewed conversations!

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