Polly wants [more than] a cracker

Will Polly gets a cracker?

Today is the second day of being snowed in. Because of the road conditions caused by the onslaught of snow here in the Pacific Northwest, JBLM has shut down. It is a refreshing break to not have to go into work. And so, I am catching up on a few house projects, reading a few books and writing a blog. All day yesterday, I have been praying wondering what I should blog. And, to my frustration, nothing came to inspire the blog. Have you ever just wanted a small piece of cracker of creativity to satisfy your hunger of expression? And so, yesterday, I continued completing my home projects.

Last night, I was praying about relationships (both past and present) asking God what His thoughts and attitudes were about me and others. And, sometimes, you wonder if things could of have been different. Sometimes, what you hoped for ended up in the exact oppostite. Now, to be fair, although I am close to being perfect (tone of sarcasm), I do realize that we humans are terribly flawed…imperfect. And I wonder, how in the world does God ever put up with us? I asked God this… and I think, God gave me a cracker to taste a little bit of God’s depth of love for humanity…the story of Abraham sacrificing his son, Isaac…

And this morning, I meditated on the biblical story of Abraham sacrificing his son, Isaac. Here is Abraham having faith in God and yet, this imperfect…flawed person received a promise of a son. Abraham made mistakes: lied to a Philistine King about his relationship with Sarah out of fear, lacked faith in trusting God about the promise of the son causing him to have relationship with Hagar, etc. And yet, God credited righteousness to Abraham because of his willingness to sacrifice Isaac. And then, I received a cracker…

And so, this Polly did taste the cracker.

God provided a ram as a sacrifice so Abraham may continue on with his relationship with Isaac. And later, we in the Christian community now understand that Christ came on the cross to die for our sins and mistakes so that our imperfections and flaws will not stand in the way of having a relationship with a Holy God. We can, learn from our failures, our mistakes and through our imperfections as a human race can grow toward one another in our mutual love and respect for the other. Perhaps, the cracker is this… we are fragile, broken and in dire need of God. As the cracker can be brittle and breaks, so sometimes our character is brittle and breaks because of our fears, finiteness, weaknesses, etc.

And so, here is a cracker for us…

Human relationships are imperfect. Flawed. Hopelessly brittled. And yet, through love and sacrifice, relationships are bonded together. And so, consider your relationships both past and present… How does your understanding of the death and resurrection of Christ influence in your handling of relationships? And, this Polly wants more than a cracker. This Polly desires real relationships without pretenses, without fear, without prejudice but a relationship of grace, love and truth in Christ where the words through “thick and thin” actually means something…


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