Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-01

  • @jojospencer~BE THE CHURCH! in reply to jojospencer #
  • ~"No Rise in Home Prices Until 2020: Bankers – CNBC" ( #
  • Gen. Martin Dempsey picked as new military chief ( #
  • Mixed Reaction to Al-Awlaki's Death at Virginia Mosque~… #
  • Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."~ John 11:25, NLT #
  • 's thinking about taking the Amtrak train next weekend to Portland and bringing my trek 1.0 bicycle on the train… Does anyone concur? #
  • 's praising God for providing an unexpected $15k for education benefit. Now, I am looking into a graduate… #
  • @kikiclawson thanks… i needed that reminder. jdS in reply to kikiclawson #
  • CCEF President Dr. Tim Lane and faculty member Dr. David Powlison sharing why we are holding a conference on… #
  • "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep."–John 10:11 (NLT) #
  • How do honesty, compassion, empathy and other traits combine to create human character? An interesting article at… #
  • Gen. Stanley McChrystal on How to Lead Like a General #
  • More troops' mild brain trauma diagnosed. Read more at #
  • THINK ON THIS: People give to vision, not to debt…. #
  • -just discovered a hole in our bus tire and so we are temp. stranded… #
  • -praising God in His chapel… #
  • 's praying for the 502nd for favor and courage… #
  • -doing an all nighter being present with my Soldiers at Yakima Training Center qualifying live range of 50-cals and M209s…. #
  • -enroute2Yakima for a mission… #
  • 's amused at the movie, "Big" of Tom Hanks and suddenly realized that I'm old… #
  • Army looking at how fish oil might reduce suicides #
  • Baylor Religion Survey reveals many see God steering economy #
  • @morlockphoto oh, i just found this tweet. Yea, I am testing something out but I probably will just combine a few… in reply to morlockphoto #
  • If you want more money to invest, you can probably find it, and it doesn't take a lot to make a big difference in… #
  • Do you have other ideas for increasing community support through collaboration? Please consider sharing them in… #
  • Have you ever set goals for yourself and seem to fall short in achieving them? Are you the type of person that… #
  • 's watching Battlestar Galactica… #
  • ~enjoying Star Trek: the Next Generation episode, "Booby trap" #
  • test_2 #
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