Category Archives: Daily Grind living
holistic fitness
Last month, my Commander decided to send me to the 2-week Master Resiliency Instructor Certification training or Master Resiliency Trainer (MRT) course. Not only do I feel privileged, I am excited to learn more about holistic fitness for both personal and professional usage. And so, for the next few weeks, I am a student in this course. The MRT course is based off of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program. The Comprehensive Soldier Fitness is a … Continue reading
Tacoma Neighborhood
Today, I decided to spend some time at Wright park located in our neighborhood. Wright park is a nice park located on the back side of Tacoma. A lot of people out walking, running, playing basketball and grilling while they listen to music and visit with family and friends. The park itself has over 50-different trees with plenty of grass space to lay around. And there are fountain ponds to enjoy! A bonus, there is … Continue reading
lemons of service
I thought that I would start blogging again. And so, here is me warming up to the idea of blogging regularly… This is the first weekend all summer where I actually relax. You see, the Army transferred me to Joint-Base Lewis-McChord to the 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion. And, for the past 45-days, I have moved, found a place to live in Seattle area and set up my office at work. Tiring, for sure. But…I finally … Continue reading
fortune cookie
Today, I am enjoying the day of rest mostly from Army work. I woke up early this morning to drink some java, read Scripture, watch the Sunday morning news and finished reading Christianity Today magazine before church. At lunch, I went to a local restaurant called Jade Chinese enjoying a nice meal. As always, I broke open the fortune cookie and read a generic fortune which says, “Your hard work is about to pay off. … Continue reading
Need Counseling?
Chaplains are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week to provide spiritual care, supportive counseling and concern for Soldiers, family members and DA civilians well-being. There are many people in trouble these days, whether its financial problems, medical difficulties, emotional troubles, the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, relationship challenges; including divorce, and spiritual questions. Many people today are struggling with problems that seem hopeless. Chaplains provide individual, couples, and … Continue reading
My Residence @820
The back story of my residence @820 is back in September 2010 I was laying in bed exhausted. The 57th Religious Support Team has been working 50-hours weekly from June to August 2010 creating a robust Command Master Religious Plan for FY2011, procuring resources for Strong Bonds retreats, preparing training curriculum for one year’s teaching of Singles’, Couples’ and Families’ Strong Bonds retreats, Chapel services, counseling Soldiers/Families, monthly Strong Bonds retreats and making relational connections with … Continue reading
A Veteran Tribute
And today is Veteran’s day and my thoughts are toward our fine military personnel of all the Armed Forces. Sitting here tonight at the Spiritual Fitness Center with several Soldiers watching the movie, “We Were Soldiers.” And here is a veteran tribute in the character Callaway in “We Were Soldiers.” As I was watching this movie, I couldn’t help but notice the personal courage and integrity displayed of Callaway, the reporter. Think about it, a … Continue reading
7-financial baby steps
Employees experiencing financial stress waste 240 hours a year dealing with personal money matters while on the job. Do you feel maxed out on debt? Are you wondering if you will ever climb out of the pit of debt? Are you stressed to the max worrying about your finances? [youtube][/youtube] Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit and the Era of Predatory Lenders as an independent feature length documentary film and book that chronicles abusive practices … Continue reading
financial deficit
Early this morning, I rolled out of bed, made coffee, took a shower and got dress and had a brief God time of reading the Sacred story. Then gathered some last minute items and place them in the suitcase. And then headed to the airport to fly to Nashville for a Financial Peace University Coaching training (For more information, click here). For those joining in this conversation, I am an Army Chaplain. And one job … Continue reading
waiting @GRK airport
Sitting here waiting at GRK airport enjoying FREE Wi-Fi, and of course, a tall cup of Starbucks coffee. Here I am sitting in the mist of a crowd of diverse people and wondering what are their stories. Right now, I am looking at a young, white pregeant lady admiring her as she rubs her belly connecting to her new life growing within her. The acts of beauty of another. Other people are being considerate as … Continue reading