home on wheels


By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise;“–Hebrews 11:8-9


Well, it is official, I have decided for at least one year to change my lifestyle to rv-living. I know. I know. Some of you may be thinking, “Are you insane?” Of which, I would respond, “Probably.” And others of you may ask, “Why?” Of which, my response would be, “Why not?” And still others may think, “Wow, kind of weird but cool too.” And my boomerang thought would be, “Indeed.” For about two years, I have been prayerfully researching on the topic rv living. And, there was some thing that really appealed to me about this lifestyle. And so, there are three words that inspire me for this theology living: mISSIONAL. gREEN-LIVING. sIMPLICITY.


home-on-wheelsphoto.JPGmISSIONAL. There is something extraordinary for me when I think on the missional possibilities. For those of you joining in my journey of God, java and conversation about life, I have a deep, burning passion: missions. You see, my gift to the world, to the so-called Gentiles (unchurched young adults), and yes, to the church even is that, I am a missionary. And, I am extremely missional in purpose, drive and direction (under Christ). And so, this opens all kinds of future missional opportunities!


gREEN-LIVING. Personally, I think God expects (some may argue, commands) us to be good stewards of the earth that we inhabit. After all, we should care, tend to earth with the utmost care. And, when I discovered the 31′ Alphentine Augusta 5th wheel trailer (see picture below), I was excited of the solar power panels attached. And, I am hoping to make other trailer modifications to increase green living lessen the burden placed on God’s creation. (And, on another slight note: this trailer has the Arctic package which means I can take this “home-on-wheels” to places like: Minnesota).


home-on-wheels01616_kQRsNLGmbS0_600x450.jpgsIMPLICITY. There is something freeing materially about living this lifestyle. Instead of spending tons of money on a big house that I probably will not get much use, I save money and get to spend time with others. (And, I might add, I can just drop this trailer right next to lake for just about $450 per month including utilities, sewer, water and trash!!  See above picture). Think about it, everything that I own is in the space of 31 feet (minus the 2005 GMC 3500 Duramex/Allison dually truck and a future purchase of a BMW motorcycle). I am thinking of purchasing a nice, crafted wooden canoe and/or kayak to place on top of trailer (w/camping gear) to assist in the simplistic enjoyment of nature. And so, it would be awesome to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. My Minnesota friends have always shared their experiences of the Boundary waters. Perhaps, God would allow me this simple pleasures of enjoying nature and friends at this part of God’s creation.


Oh, one last thing, I am sure that if Abraham was alive today, he would travel on his mission using a RV trailer. 🙂



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