Listening defined

One night last week, I watched Mike Huckabee on television tell the world that he removed his name for the presidential run (click here to read more). What was the reason? Political? No. Financial? No. Practical? No. Personal? Maybe. Spiritual? Yes. Surprised? Absolutely. How does one hear from God? Is listening limited to hearing? Sometimes God speaks clearly and audible that has nothing to do with sounds but with the heart. Sometimes hearing God is … Continue reading

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trek 1.2

Should a Christian exercise? Is exercise something Christians should be focused on? Yesterday, I cycled beyond the 100-mile barrier(for this week) on my new Trek 1.2 listening to some Christian dance tunes. As I was cycling and enjoying the view of Stillhouse Hollow Lake, I contemplated on the techniques of cycling (keeping your legs inward, using the full length of your leg extension,  shifting through the gears properly, etc.) and maintaining these techniques as I ride. … Continue reading

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fortune cookie

Today, I am enjoying the day of rest mostly from Army work. I woke up early this morning to drink some java, read Scripture, watch the Sunday morning news and finished reading Christianity Today magazine before church. At lunch, I went to a local restaurant called Jade Chinese enjoying a nice meal. As always, I broke open the fortune cookie and read a generic fortune which says, “Your hard work is about to pay off. … Continue reading

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One Church… many locations

Came across this book, The Multi-Site Church Revolution: Being One Church…in Many Locations by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon & Warren Bird as I researching on the topic of church-planting. At first blush, I resisted downloading this book into my ipad. The knee-jerk reaction was slightly due to the seemingly modern title of the book that screamed institutionalism. But, as I read reviews, something told me to try a read. After reading the book, I applied its … Continue reading

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Need Counseling?

Chaplains are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week to provide spiritual care, supportive counseling and concern for Soldiers, family members and DA civilians well-being. There are many people in trouble these days, whether its financial problems, medical difficulties, emotional troubles, the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, relationship challenges; including divorce, and spiritual questions. Many people today are struggling with problems that seem hopeless. Chaplains provide individual, couples, and … Continue reading

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My Residence @820

The back story of my residence @820 is back in September 2010 I was laying in bed exhausted. The 57th Religious Support Team has been working 50-hours weekly from June to August 2010 creating a robust Command Master Religious Plan for FY2011, procuring resources for Strong Bonds retreats, preparing training curriculum for one year’s teaching of Singles’, Couples’ and Families’ Strong Bonds retreats, Chapel services, counseling Soldiers/Families, monthly Strong Bonds retreats and making relational connections with … Continue reading

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the Mozart experience

This afternoon, I decided to drive down to Austin to experience the Mozart’s Coffee and to complete a few work projects. Immediately upon arrival, the place was packed. Wooden floors, brick walls and tall ceilings gives you a cozy feeling, a perfect setting for conversing with a friend, reading a book or blogging (like I am doing).  Their customer service is warm, friendly and prompt service. The staff was able to handle a long line of … Continue reading

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A Veteran Tribute

And today is Veteran’s day and my thoughts are toward our fine military personnel of all the Armed Forces.  Sitting here tonight at the Spiritual Fitness Center with several Soldiers watching the movie, “We Were Soldiers.” And here is a veteran tribute in the character Callaway in “We Were Soldiers.”  As I was watching this movie, I couldn’t help but notice the personal courage and integrity displayed of Callaway, the reporter. Think about it, a … Continue reading

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The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant: Principles for Successful Livingby Terry Felber. Terry beautifully writes a legend of one man’s journey, Antonio of how to live a life honoring God in his vocation either as a minister or a businessman. Antonio grew up in a monastery training to be a monk until one day he discovered that his vocation is to be a merchant. Along the way, Alessio a wealthy Christian merchant discipled Antonio. Soon, Antonio discovered … Continue reading

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thanking Chris Woodard, the FPU Military Advisor

STORY BEHIND today’s mugshot: Last week, I was excited to meet Chris Woodard in Nashville at the Financial Peace University (FPU) coaching conference. We had lunch together talking about cost of purchasing FPU kits. We spent a few moments on discussing ideas of how to implement the FPU class to the 57th Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs). I am hoping that if we train the NCOs that will give them the tools to have their finances more … Continue reading

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