Tag Archives: coffee

fortune cookie

Today, I am enjoying the day of rest mostly from Army work. I woke up early this morning to drink some java, read Scripture, watch the Sunday morning news and finished reading Christianity Today magazine before church. At lunch, I went to a local restaurant called Jade Chinese enjoying a nice meal. As always, I broke open the fortune cookie and read a generic fortune which says, “Your hard work is about to pay off. … Continue reading

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the Czech

Sometimes in our life’s journey we come across people of diverse opinions and ethnic backgrounds and political persuasions. And yet, what if we looked for ways of joining and strengthening. Instead of swords crossed, what if our swords joined to accomplish something together? What if, we dared to have the moral courage to set aside our sparring words to join in a greater cause outside of our individuals selves? What if? Last Sunday afternoon, I … Continue reading

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