Tag Archives: Dave Ramsey

thanking Chris Woodard, the FPU Military Advisor

STORY BEHIND today’s mugshot: Last week, I was excited to meet Chris Woodard in Nashville at the Financial Peace University (FPU) coaching conference. We had lunch together talking about cost of purchasing FPU kits. We spent a few moments on discussing ideas of how to implement the FPU class to the 57th Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs). I am hoping that if we train the NCOs that will give them the tools to have their finances more … Continue reading

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financial deficit

Early this morning, I rolled out of bed, made coffee, took a shower and got dress and had a brief God time of reading the Sacred story. Then gathered some last minute items and place them in the suitcase. And then headed to the airport to fly to Nashville for a Financial Peace University Coaching training (For more information, click here). For those joining in this conversation, I am an Army Chaplain. And one job … Continue reading

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