Tag Archives: mission

Elisha the prophet, deployment & resiliency

Some wonder if the deployments are taking it’s toll on our Soldiers (not to mention the Families that remain behind). Under the strain of repeated deployments, Soldiers experience “stress” from boredom, compassion fatigue or simple exhaustion. And a case in point, in the news is the tragic story of Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, who stands accused of the shooting spree in Southern Afghanistan. Personally, it breaks my heart to read this in the news and I … Continue reading

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Cornelius, Sohei & my Army Chaplaincy call

A Modern-Day Cornelius Story of a Chaplain serving Soldiers (Acts 10). Welcome, I wanted to take a few minutes to explain my Army Chaplaincy call… About ten years ago, I read the story of Cornelius.  This ancient story inspired me and is the vision of my Army Chaplain’s service in the world we live in. This story begins with an Italian Captain or Centurion, named Cornelius who is an outsider to the early Jewish-Christian community. And … Continue reading

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